Dear Supporters of the Emmanuel Seniors Living Society,

Every year we ask our members to renew their membership in the Emmanuel Seniors Living Society by making a donation. In order to keep your membership active, we ask that you make a donation of at least $20 per individual or $30 per family. In this way, you can continue to be an active voice in the oversight of our mission to offer seniors a Christian environment that is safe and comfortable so they can live in dignity.

Attached are the documents which explain what membership in the Society means and how your donation is used.

  • To renew your membership online:
  • To add an extra donation to the Health Care Services Initiative, please do so with your membership contribution or you can make a separate donation online at:
  • To donate by credit card, just give us a call at 780-478-2051.
  • Donations by cheque can be mailed to:

Emmanuel Home

13429 57 Street NW

Edmonton, AB  T5A 0T8

If you are not yet a member of the Emmanuel Seniors Living Society, please sign the attached Statement of Faith and return it to us with the appropriate membership fee ($20 for singles and $30 for families). You can also add an extra donation for the Health Care Services Initiative if you’d like.

Your support of the residents of Emmanuel Home is very much appreciated. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at any time. You can email or phone 780-478-2051.

In His grip,

Darren Sinke

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