The Christian Senior Citizens Homes Society of Northern Alberta membership, has completed voting via the distributed AGM information package. The Society has affirmed the extension of term for one incumbent board member, Kelvin VanDasselaar, and the appointment of two new board members, Margaret Verboon & Peter Jonkman.
The 2019-2020 Board of Directors areĀ  Allan Brennan, Anko Buwalda, Bert Kamphius, Kelvin Van Dasselaar, Hilda Van Veen-Gritter, Mary Velthuizen, Marjean Verseveldt, Margaret Verboon, Peter Jonkman.
We thank Evert Vroon, our Retiring board member, for his 5.5 years of service.
For more information contact Executive Director, Darren Sinke or call 780-478-2051.

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