The Board of Directors of the Christian Senior Citizens Homes Society of Northern Alberta is accepting applications to serve on our volunteer Board to fill upcoming vacancies. We hope to receive a number of nominations with a view to having a…
The construction of the new North Wing of Emmanuel Home is continuing despite the very cold weather Edmonton has been experiencing over the last several weeks. We are still on schedule for completion by the end of 2019. If you…
The Fall 2018 edition of Emmanuel Home’s ECHO newsletter is hot off the press and available to all supporters of Emmanuel Home and the Christian Senior Citizens Homes Society of Northern Alberta. This newsletter provides the latest on the construction progress…
SAVE THE DATE! Emmanuel Home’s annual Christmas Craft Sale and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, December 8, 2018 from 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Bring your family and friends and enjoy a festive time of crafts, food, silent auction and, of course, great fellowship! Watch for posters in…
Have you considered a move to an active and supportive Christian seniors’ community? If so, then contact us for more information. We would be pleased to offer you a tour and to discuss your needs and interests. Don’t delay! With Emmanuel Home’s…
Emmanuel Home continues to expand its services to residents to maintain their quality of life as they age. Many residents will require more care and services when they near the end of their lives. It is with…