Emmanuel Home’s ECHO Fall 2017 Newsletter is now available! This latest newsletter contains an update on the plans for building expansion, as well as a resident profile (written by Janet Paquette) and news about Emmanuel Home’s recently launched new website. Click and…
Annual Christmas Craft Sale and Silent Auction: Saturday, November 25, 2017, 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Bring your family and friends and enjoy a festive time of crafts, food, silent auction and, of course great fellowship! Watch for posters in community businesses and churches and updates on our…
The Christian Senior Citizens Homes Society of Northern Alberta held its Annual General Meeting on May 18, 2017, at Trinity Christian Reformed Church. The more than 100 members who attended began with joyful singing and opening devotions led by Board…
During its recent Annual General Meeting in May, the Christian Senior Citizens Homes Society of Northern Alberta elected two new board members. They are Henry Baker and Allan Brennan. They replace outgoing board members, Tony Oostenbrink who has served four…